Ashbourne Reborn

£15.2m to regenerate Ashbourne town centre

Transforming public spaces including the Market Place, Victoria Square, Millenium Square, and Shrovetide Walk.

Improving the pedestrian experience with wider pavements and safer crossings at St John Street, Dig Street, Buxton Road, and Station Road.

New community and events facilities at The Link Community Hub, and Ashbourne Methodist Church.

Latest News

  • St John Street, Ashbourne

    Public meeting as main works due to start

    A public meeting and a series of drop-ins have been announced as work is set to move ahead on the government funded Ashbourne Reborn transformation programme. The sessions will provide more detail about the main works, which are due to...

  • Businesses open as usual sign

    Proposed closures to traffic

    The first work packages for Ashbourne Reborn are set to start in Autumn 2024 both on the Link Community Hub project and on elements of the Highways and Public Realm project, which will transform a series of public spaces and...

  • View along the road over Henmore Bridge towards Dig Street on a sunny day

    Henmore Bridge parapet to be raised

    Work to raise the parapet on the east side of Henmore Bridge is due to start on 21 October, in preparation for improvements to pavements and crossings as part of the UK Government funded Ashbourne Reborn transformation programme. The work,...

  • A woman with folder and pen in her hands stands next to a smiling grey haired man as she asks him survey questions

    Town centre survey in Ashbourne

    Over the next two weeks, visitors to Ashbourne might see fieldworkers in blue tabards inviting people to fill out a 5-minute questionnaire about the town centre. The surveys are required by central government as a condition of the Levelling Up Funding,...

  • Minor ground investigations at Horse and Jockey Yard, Ashbourne

    Outcome of trial holes to inform final design

    Over the summer, a series of trial holes were dug in locations around the centre of Ashbourne. The results have been passed to designers to inform detailed design and planning for Ashbourne Reborn ahead of the main construction works, which...

  • Ashbourne’s Shawcroft car park, looking across to the Shrovetide plinth and public toilets

    Have your say on review of car parking

    Have your say on review of car parking Derbyshire Dales District Council is asking local people for their views on possible changes to its car parking policy. In Spring 2023 the District Council conducted a resident survey on the free resident concession...

  • Closed five-bar gates at the entrance to the Fishpond Meadow car park where a Pay and Display sign is partially covered by leafy greenery

    Fishpond Meadow approved as temporary compound

    Fishpond Meadow approved as temporary compound The District Council has approved the temporary use of part of Fishpond Meadow overspill car park as a site compound for contractors delivering the Ashbourne Reborn town centre regeneration scheme. On 22 July the council’s Community...

  • A bright yellow road sign reads ‘Road Ahead Closed’

    What are Emergency Works and why do they happen?

    What are emergency works and why do they happen? While planned works for Ashbourne Reborn are taking place in the town centre, there is always a chance that emergency works may need to be carried out at the same time. This...

  • St John Street looking towards St Oswald's church

    Trial holes and road cores to be dug

    Minor ground investigations in Ashbourne town centre In readiness for the main construction works for the Ashbourne Reborn project starting later this year, Derbyshire County Council will be carrying out a series of ground investigations at 32 sites starting on Tuesday...

  • Artist’s impression of the exterior of the redeveloped Link Community Hub and Community Garden

    Link Community Hub funding milestone passed

    The development of the Link Community Hub has passed a significant milestone, as Ashbourne Methodist Church announce that they have secured over £1m of match funding for the project. In a statement, the church said: “The redevelopment of Ashbourne Methodist Church’s...

  • Looking over the shoulder of a workman, a small screen on a measuring device shows a multicoloured digital image of the Market Place

    Surveys prepare historic Market Place

    A series of surveys have been completed ahead of work which will see Ashbourne’s historic Grade II listed Market Place repaired and upgraded as part of the £15.2m Ashbourne Reborn transformation programme. Carried out by a team from the County Council,...

  • A male Derbyshire county council employee in hi-vis clothing stands by a scanner on a tripod in Ashbourne Market Place

    Surveys in the Market Place

    From 22 April 2024, detailed surveys of the surface on the Market Place are scheduled to begin and take place over a number of days over the following fortnight. The surveys are weather dependent and need the Market Place surface...